BAGUMBAYAN Volunteers of Olongapo

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Battle of 229

The Battle of 229
By: Edwin J. Piano

For weeks, the volunteers were gallantly holding their position, but on this particular Sunday, the 26th of July 1998, while people are preparing themselves to hear the morning Mass, Building 229 was attacked!

Upon orders from Payumo and the Magsaysays, men who are supposed to protect and serve the people mercilessly attacked the volunteers, many of whom at the time were women and children.

Within minutes after the siege, we were at the scene, battle hardened personnel with guns, truncheons and riot shields have taken control of the battlefield and barricaded the streets leading to Building 229. The volunteers remaining in the area were being forcibly removed in a degrading manner.

I vividly remembered an old lady who was trying to pass over this barricade and trying to explain to Payumo’s men that she need to return to look for her necklace, Magsaysays men did not allow her and when she insisted, she was hit in the back by a riffle butt.

We told them that they don’t have to do that, and inform them that we ourselves need to enter Building 229 to assist those injured volunteers who are still trapped inside the building. We were ordered to leave.

As we look into the building from a distance, we could see brave volunteers who are still fighting it out, holding their positions to the death.

We really can’t just stand there and watch our comrades in the heat of battle.

Jimmy Mendoza, Joey Magrata, Leo Besas, Angie Layug, myself and few other volunteers who were negotiating with the oppressors realized that the situation can never be resolved by talking, the oppressors are firmly holding their line and armed-to-the- teeth. A counter attack has to be the solution in order to defend our rights and fight for the principles we hold dear.

We are about a dozen volunteers in that face-off with Magsaysays men, the rest of the battle weary volunteers were about twenty meters away waiting for whatever is going to happen next.

Joey and the group returned with a wooden plank about ten feet long, the volunteers agreed that we are all going to grab that wood and use it as create an opening in that rigid line of the oppressors.

As soon as we motioned to attack, Magsaysay’s ground commander ordered the firemen to shoot us with the water canon. This move by the oppressors triggered all the volunteers in the area to fight back with whatever material they could use . . . bricks . . . bottles , , , wood . . . stones are being thrown into the direction of Payumo and Magsaysay’s abusive men.

The battle was bloody but quick . . . the outcome clear . . . . .

The power of the volunteers, the righteous and the principled, who have sacrificed to make Subic a Success have again proven that the Sprit of the Volunteers can overcome even the most daunting challenge. . . . That the good will reign over evil. . . . And the resolve to “Fight On” will forever be in our hearths.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!!

Mabuhay ang Bagumbayan!! !

Isang paala-ala po sa kabayanihan ng Subic Volunteers!! ! Happy Volunteers’ Day


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